Experience Change with Ian Macnaughton & Associates
Here to Guide You

“Ian Macnaughton is an eminent teacher of somatically-based psychology. With a clear, compassionate brilliance, Ian brings together a broad and deep understanding of psyche and spirit in the body. He offers to both beginning and advanced students the rare opportunity of authentic mentoring. I recommend Ian’s teaching and highly developed therapeutic skills. He has a rare gift of sensitivity and clarity which he shares freely and openly."
Peter Levine, Ph.D., founder of Ergos Institute of Somatic Education and author of Waking the Tiger

Our Philosophy
We have a deep commitment to seeing the psychological wellbeing of a person from a whole-hearted perspective, that attends to their body, mind and spirit. With over 50 years of psychotherapy experience, Dr. Ian Macnaughton has helped countless people overcome a wide range of past traumas, current challenges, and get clarity on future directions integrating robust psychotherapeutic practices with emerging therapies, including in some cases, the evidence-based use of psychedelics. His approach draws from a perspective of life-long learning and deep compassion for others.
My Services
With You Every Step of the Way

A Peter Levine Legacy Faculty Member of Ergos Institute
Being only one of 5 people globally to have the distinction of being a Levine Legacy Faculty Member with the Ergos Institute is a high honour. Ian has been working with Peter Levine since the early 70s using Somatic Experiencing®, an elegant and effective approach to treating trauma and those suffering from stress, depression or other psychological and emotional limitations. If you’re interested in learning more about the Ergos Institute, please visit:

Emerging Therapies
Over the last 50 years, Ian has worked with a subset of clients who have chosen to ingest psychedelics as an adjunct to the work they do with Ian. What he’s noticed in working with these individuals is that their resistance to confronting challenging emotions was greatly reduced, thereby allowing a shift from a lack of healthy self-appreciation to an opening of their hearts, allowing for a resolution to traumatic patterns. When we consider that, for millennia, Indigenous people around the world have used plant-based medicine to facilitate healing and rights of passage within a safe container created by their community, this really shouldn’t be a surprise. The powerful combination of safety, skilled Guides and natural medicine enable profound insights and growth. While Ian does not conduct psychedelic enhanced therapy sessions, he does provide education, and preparation counsel as well as facilitates integration for clients who wish to explore psychedelics as another modality on their healing path.

Group Work
The fundamental dynamics of group work, whether in the family or business context, are solidly based on communication, trust and a willingness to deeply listen. Ian empowers business owners and their families to develop the tools, plans and strategies to effectively run a family-owned business and to minimize family conflicts during inter-generational transition of the business and the wealth it has created. He uses a neutral, non-judgmental approach to mediating existing conflicts and separating business and family dynamics.
Ian has multiple certifications in Family Firm Advising, Family Business Consulting, Strategic and Succession Planning, as well as his significant work with Family Systems Dynamics. Dr. Macnaughton also has a Family Business Consulting practice. Please see the Transition Point http://www.transitionpoint.ca/ for further information.
“Ian knows the wisdom of the body and facilitates the integration of the body-mind with respect and dignity."
Erv & Miriam Polster, Ph.D.’s, Gestalt Training Center, San Diego, California